Thursday, July 28, 2011

Toddlers and Tiaras

So, I’m sitting in my bed watching Toddlers and Tiaras, It’s the most ridiculous shit of all time, but whatever.

ANYWAYS, so there’s this little girl who says: “Someday I want to be on the American Olympic gymnastics team.” And I’m all like, you go girl that’s fucking awesome. BUT her mother says: “I don’t think that gymnastics and pageants really go together because her muscles were starting to develop and there were things she couldn’t do. So we’re taking a break from gymnastics and now her body is ‘back to normal’.”


I have never been more angry at a TV show in my life. “This is my daughter and I’m just going to go ahead and deprive her of her dreams.” Shameful, so fucking shameful.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

it's hard to get any work done around here when my boss is so snuggly.

I am doing my best to keep this thing goin' strong. So far I think i'm doing pretty good since it's only been like, two days since I posted something (I lied it's been like 5 days). I don't really have much to write about but I figure if I just jump on here something will come to mind.

Today I sat in the park by a pond and read my book. I got kicked off the grass by this pond. (Which I think is really dumb because people should be allowed to sit on the grass in public parks.) I've also been sitting in that exact spot every other day for like two weeks, and no one had said anything to me until today. It was really nice because I liked being right by that little pond with the ducks. Guess I have to find a new place to read my books in the sun.
I was also hit on by some foreign fellow on the street. He was like.. 15. It was creepy and I didn't like it. So I gave him a sassy look and walked away. I hope he got the point that he's a creepy little weirdo and to not try to pick up women on the street.

My boyfriend came home from Cape Breton the other day. I am glad he's home. <3

I have nothing else to say. Nothing has really happened to me lately.

I can't wait to dance again.

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I want my life to be exciting.