Wednesday, September 28, 2011


Of course,

Almost two months have passed and I haven't written a thing. It's terrible, really it is. I'm so bad at keeping up with this shit.

Well my dearest readers (if there are any of you lurking out there), so many things have changed since my last post. I'm in school, I'm single, I cut off all my hair. Mostly just those three things are what have changed, but those are three really big things.

I'm so excited to be in school. It's really really tough, but I'm loving it. I think i'm going to go to Ryerson when I'm done here. I think that's my official plan. I'm gonna study Theatre Dance, because that's what I really love. Maybe I'll minor in Psychology, because sometimes I feel like that's what I should be doing. Maybe someday I'll do both. Dance Therapy? Who knows.

Being single kind of sucks, and I don't really enjoy it most of the time. There are times that I'm kind of happy about it, it's nice to be ''free'' in a sense, and not have to worry about someone else. And most of the time now I'm just too busy to even have a boyfriend. When you go to school 7 days a week, there isn't much time for anyone else. I mean, you have to make time for yourself, time to work, time to keep in touch with family, time to have friends. I don't even have time for all of those things, I guess I don't have time for a boyfriend anyways. Although, I do miss cuddling, and having someone to do things with when I want to do things, and someone to tell things to when there's no one else to tell. I just keep it to myself now.

I miss my hair.

Sometimes I like to lurk in my apartment window and look into my neighbors windows. That sounds really really creepy, but I don't do it in a creepy way. I just wonder what their lives are like, what their deal is.
Sometimes I like to make up stories, maybe I'll write a book (probablynot)

Well, I guess that's all for now. Maybe I'll start finding some time late at night to do this.


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I want my life to be exciting.