Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Acadia, AFV, and other things.

I have been cursed with the inability to go to bed before about 2am.
And it's not that I haven't tried to go to bed earlier, because I have. Maybe I need to start waking up earlier even when I don't have to, because sleeping in until 11 or 12 probably isn't helping. Being on the computer probably isn't helping much either.

I miss being at Acadia. I love it there. I can't wait to go back (10daaaaaaaysfckyeah). It's going to be the best ever.

I'm so lonely right now. I never do anything. I go to school. I work one day a week. And all the other time I just sit in my apartment doing absolutely nothing. I need to get out more.

AFV is pretty damn entertaining though. A guy just put on a shock collar and he's testing to see if he can handle the 6 levels of it. Why? WHY?! I just don't get it. That has got to be one of the absolute, stupidest things i've ever witnessed. Like, it's causing him so much pain, but he's just leaving it on ther and keeps going.

I'm bitter tonight.

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