Sunday, February 19, 2012


Well, I am all moved back home. And again, everyone I know is out partying and I am home laying in bed. Why is that might you ask? Well, because after being up at 8am and spending my whole day stressed out and lifting and moving around heavy objects, my neck has seized up and I can barely move. So, that's really awesome.

It's a pretty unexpected treat, that's for sure. I thought I was going to come home and get everything organized and I would be super content, but it's pretty much the opposite. I'm pretty pissed off at this point. And me neck and shoulders hurt like a mother fucker. SO I'm laying in bed, with the magic bag wrapped around my neck, and have been watching tv and catching up on some shows.

I've decided it's a lot easier to watch Glee now, if I skip through the songs. Which is funny because that used to be the parts that I liked more. It's not that I'm even very concerned with it, but I've watched it since the beginning so I feel like I just need to keep watching it for some stupid reason. It's like i've got a connection to the characters now and I want to know what happens to them.

My life feels like a fucking mess. I feel like I have a lack of friends, mostly because I do. Good ones anyway. I literally just moved me entire life for the millionth time in the past two years and I'm just so unorganized and it is frustrating. I really wanted to get my shit together tonight. But I guess it'll have to wait. I wish I was a wizard so I could just snap my fingers and have everything unpacked and away. That'd be pretty damn ideal.

Well, I am officially falling asleep as I write this. Time to turn on some Star Wars and ptfo.

I miss my boyfriend. (sappy)

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I want my life to be exciting.